Thursday, July 21, 2011

Back to School

We had an amazing three weeks at the first Church Planting School SOUTHERN AFRICA!
We knew this would be a an unforgettable experience, but I don't think we ever thought it would be life changing! (Like our MPD coach would say: We are 'ruined'! - meaning we would never be the same)
What made this so life changing?
The first week we discussed the essence of discipleship.
And the 'magic formula' is........
Intentional Relationship.
If we were to break down discipleship into it's simplest form, it is relationship. Think about it, why did Jesus disciple His Twelve? Out of need? Out of duty? No, LOVE. I.e. relationship.

The other reason I think this was so powerful was to walk with the Faith Giants: Floyd McClung, Steve Murrell, Bennie Mostert (although only for 10 minutes, it was still powerful!) and other absolutely amazing leaders! You can't stay in their presence and not be influenced!

Jurie and I are fired up, passionate and eager to equip the saints! Let me put it this way, since we have to start the Youth from scratch, it's not always easy to know exactly where to start, what to do, where to go...but this School has given us such clear direction, that we know for sure what we have to and want to do with the Youth. We are praying currently about a specific High School in Rustenburg, we've asked around but it doesn't seem like anyone is involved with this school spiritually. So, if it is God's will, we really want to pursue this and see if we can start something there. Even one small group will be enough.

Another thing that really pierced my heart was Steve Murrells' story (He is one of the co-founders of Every Nation) and in his book - Accidental Missionary - he wrote that he is 'n reluctant leader. And I thought by myself, 'Lilli, now you have no excuse!' This guy saw himself as a reluctant leader and currently their church is 54 000 members!!!!! WOW.
He also said, he only did what he knew he could do: he knew he had to disciple and he knew how to teach. And that is what he did. He would disciple newly believers and teach them how to disciple others and so the process went on (and is still going on for the last 27 years!). As Steve said: "the same ol' strokes".
So, in essence, discipleship is very simple: Build relationship, share your story, introduce them to Christ and tell them to go and do the same.
Of course, this process can sometimes take YEARS or it can take days. We have to be obedient and sensitive to the Spirit.

It's a journey.
But our hearts are on fire.
We love God, we want to obey His call to make disciples.
May God give amazing opportunities this week to build relationship and disciple people!

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